Tyrone Improvement Group
Christmas Cookie Crawl

We are holding our annual Christmas Cookie Crawl as part of Tyrone's Christmas Holiday Celebration. The event will be on Friday, December 6th from 5-8 PM.
For Participants: NEW THIS YEAR! We will offer a limited number of festive tins to collect your cookies. Tin tickets are $10.00 each. We will also continue to offer bags as we have in the past, which are $5.00 each. Half of the proceeds from tin sales will be donated to Camp Anderson.
Sales will be capped at 300. There will be a pre-sale Wednesday, December 4th at the Brew and Tap House from 5-8 PM. Form of payment is CASH ONLY. Ticket holders will receive their bag or tin, a map of all locations to visit and a punch card for each organization to mark as you visit each stop.
For Businesses: If you would like to participate as a vendor, please let us know by filling out the registration form below, messaging our Facebook page, or calling Ann Osborne at 814-889-9874. The LAST day to register is November 25th. Suggested supply is at least 300 cookies.